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          您目前所在的位置:江蘇天一管業制造有限公司 >> 閥門 >> 承插止回閥


          [來源:原創] [作者:pp8848.com] [日期:12-12-12] [熱度:510]
          關鍵詞標簽:承插止回閥 閥門



            Socket check valve body cover to connect the design of two kinds of forms: the first is a body cover bolt connection forged steel check valve, according to this form of connection of the valve, the valve body with the valve cover bolt connection, spiral wound gasket seal, the advantage of easy repair; the second body cover all welded seal forged steel check valve, according to this form of connection of the valve, the valve body with the valve cover with the screw thread connection, all-welded seal, the advantage of no leakage. Forged steel check valve is respectively cut manifold, needle, ball you can according to the actual situation of reasonable selection of our valves.

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